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Is scala.Unit not same as ()?

I see from Scala hierarchy that AnyVal is super type for scala.Unit, Boolean, Char and other Number types.

scala> val list1 = List((),  1 ) 
list: List[AnyVal] = List((), 1)  // I see this is valid when compared with hierarchy tree.

scala> val list2 = List(Unit,  1 )
list: List[Any] = List(object scala.Unit, 1) // Why???

I see list1 is of type AnyVal where as list2 is of type Any, even though they have same data (I assume).

Is () not same as Scala.Unit? What am I missing here?


  • To answer your question, () is a value of type scala.Unit. Whereas, scala.Unit is the companion object, so it is of type Unit.type.

    Have a look in the REPL code below:

    scala> (): scala.Unit
    // (): scala.Unit
    scala> scala.Unit
    // res1: Unit.type = object scala.Unit

    Bottom line is any object you pass to a covariant list will find the type common to the values. See discussion in Why doesn't the example compile, aka how does (co-, contra-, and in-) variance work?

    As you discovered, the common type of Integer and scala.Unit is AnyVal. The common type of Intger and Unit.type is Any.