I am testing a GUI using cucumber. I need to test CRUD operations of the GUI.
When I write a scenario to create a new entity in GUI, I am unable to run multiple times, since the second time scenario fails because the ID I specified for the entity already exists (created in the first run) in the system the second time I run the test.
The system I am testing doesn't allow deleting entities. System needs to be started in a special mode to delete entities, so deleting the entity created after the test is not an option.
It would be great if I could use a random number for the entity id. For an example:
when user creates a new Branch with following values:
|Branch ID|<random_string_1>|
|Address|1, abc, def.|
And user searches for a branch by "Branch ID" = "<random_string_1>"
Then branch details should be as following
|Branch ID|<random_string_1>|
|Address|1, abc, def.|
Is there an option in cucumber to do something like this? Or, is there any other way I can achieve this?
In the end, I've added RandomStringTransformer
class to test suite:
public class RandomStringTransformer extends Transformer<String> {
private static final Map<String, String> RANDOM_STRINGS = new HashMap<>(); //Key -> random string
public static final RandomStringTransformer INSTANCE = new RandomStringTransformer();
public String transform(String input) {
return transformString(input);
public DataTable transform(DataTable dataTable) {
dataTable.getGherkinRows().forEach(dataTableRow -> dataTableRow.getCells().replaceAll(this::transformString));
return dataTable;
private String transformString(String input) {
final String[] inputCopy = {input};
Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>();
Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("(<random_string_[^>]*>)").matcher(input);
while (matcher.find()) {
String group = matcher.group(0);
replacements.put(group, RANDOM_STRINGS.computeIfAbsent(group, key -> Utilities.getNextUniqueString()));
replacements.forEach((key, value) -> inputCopy[0] = inputCopy[0].replace(key, value));
return inputCopy[0];
And used the transformer in step definition:
@When("^user creates a branch of name "([^"]*)" with following values$")
public void branchIsCreatedWithDetails(@Transform(RandomStringTransformer.class) String branchName, DataTable fieldValues) {
fieldValues = RandomStringTransformer.INSTANCE.transform(fieldValues);
//Now, fieldValues table values and branchName are replaced with random values if they were in format <random_string_SOMETHING>