I'm trying to use the "id" in both selects on the UNION, is there any way to do it?
SELECT id, name, (
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(a.time_added, '%d/%m/%Y') AS 'last_update' FROM analysis_groups ag, analysis_group_relation agr, analysis a WHERE ag.id = id AND agr.group_id = ag.id AND a.id = agr.analysis_id AND a.type != 3
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(a.time_added, '%d/%m/%Y') AS 'last_update' FROM analysis_groups ag, analysis_group_relation agr, analysis a, user_analysis ua WHERE agr.group_id = ag.id AND a.id = agr.analysis_id AND a.type = 3 AND ua.analysis_id = a.id AND a.id = '5bf1d6c5242f1' ORDER BY last_update LIMIT 1
) AS last_update_date
FROM analysis_groups WHERE id != '0' ORDER BY last_update_date DESC LIMIT 20;
The short answer would be: Define an alias for analysis_groups
in the main query, and reference it in the WHERE
clause, like this
SELECT id, name, (
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(a.time_added, '%d/%m/%Y') AS 'last_update' FROM analysis_groups ag, analysis_group_relation agr, analysis a WHERE ag.id = ag2.id AND agr.group_id = ag.id AND a.id = agr.analysis_id AND a.type != 3
SELECT DATE_FORMAT(a.time_added, '%d/%m/%Y') AS 'last_update' FROM analysis_groups ag, analysis_group_relation agr, analysis a, user_analysis ua WHERE agr.group_id = ag.id AND a.id = agr.analysis_id AND a.type = 3 AND ua.analysis_id = a.id AND a.id = '5bf1d6c5242f1' ORDER BY last_update LIMIT 1
) AS last_update_date
FROM analysis_groups ag2 WHERE id != '0' ORDER BY last_update_date DESC LIMIT 20;