I have a DataFrame (df) like shown below where each column is sorted from largest to smallest for frequency analysis. That leaves some values either zeros or NaN values as each column has a different length.
08FB006 08FC001 08FC003 08FC005 08GD004
0 253 872 256 11.80 2660
1 250 850 255 10.60 2510
2 246 850 241 10.30 2130
3 241 827 235 9.32 1970
4 241 821 229 9.17 1900
5 232 0 228 8.93 1840
6 231 0 225 8.05 1710
7 0 0 225 0 1610
8 0 0 224 0 1590
9 0 0 0 0 1590
10 0 0 0 0 1550
I need to perform the following calculation as if each column has different lengths or number of records (ignoring zero values). I have tried using NaN but for some reason operations on Nan values are not possible.
Here is what I am trying to do with my df columns :
for column in df.columns:
shape1, location1, scale1=stats.genpareto.fit(df[column])
Assuming all values are positive (as seems from your example and description), try:
stats.genpareto.fit(df[df[column] > 0][column])
This filters every column to operate just on the positive values. Or, if negative values are allowed,
stats.genpareto.fit(df[df[column] != 0][column])