How do I convert user data like this:
local user_data = { 0x33, 0x22, 0x11, 0x00 }
to either a uint32 or float using Lua? I cant find anything in the documentation that talks about this.
I've tried various methods and none of these have worked:
local data_uint32 = tonumber(user_data)
local data_uint32 = user_data:uint32()
local data_uint32 = uint32(user_data)
I'd rather define my own function:
function toUInt32(user_data)
return user_data[1] * 0x1000000
+ user_data[2] * 0x10000
+ user_data[3] * 0x100
+ user_data[4]
Don't know any predefined library function to do this.
Note: You may want to consider the endianness of the number.