I need to rank records in a database table based on two columns:
They're both datetime-type columns, but the conditions for ranking are not linear in time. So, for example, in a scale of 0 to 10, 'updated_at' values:
between 14 and 30 days ago would get a 10,
whereas 13 to 9 days ago would get 9.5,
31 to 60 would get 9,
The same applies to the 'availability_date' column.
The final ranking/ordering result should be the average of values of both scales for each record.
I'm trying to write that logic in a controller and ideally wanted to avoid adding columns in the database to build the indexes.
I'm using Ruby 2.5.1 and Rails 5.2.
Does anyone know if that's feasible?
Thanks a lot in advance.
As your question currently stands, of course it is feasible. Try using sort_by, where you give a block specifying how to sort your data.
In this block you should write exactly the logic you are stating: translate the date to a value depending on how old it is and getting the average of those two values.
I can imagine something like:
def date_to_val(date)
days_ago = (Time.now - date).to_i / 1.day
return 10 if days_ago.between?(14, 30)
return 9.5 if days_ago.between?(9, 13)
return 9 if days_ago.between?(31, 60)
# and so on
def my_controller_action
@records = SomeClass.where(some_attr: some_val)
ordered = @records.sort_by do |e|
].sum / 2.0
# do something with ordered
Now, if you want to do it purely with SQL queries, then that is another question.