I am exploring how to add multiple handlers in channel pipelines in SwiftNIO. In Java Netty, I have the following code:
public class NettyClientFilter extends ChannelInitializer<SocketChannel> {
private NettyClientHandler nettyClientHandler;
protected void initChannel(SocketChannel ch) throws Exception {
ChannelPipeline ph = ch.pipeline();
ph.addLast(new IdleStateHandler(20, 10, 0));
ph.addLast(new LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder(1024, 0, 4, 0, 4));
ph.addLast(new ProtobufDecoder(IMessage.getDefaultInstance()));
ph.addLast(new LengthFieldPrepender(4));
ph.addLast(new ProtobufEncoder());
In the SwiftNIO, seems there are no similar classes as "LengthFieldBasedFrameDecoder", "ProtobufDecoder", "LengthFieldPrepender", "ProtobufEncoder". How can I get those ones in SwiftNIO?
Right, let me go through all the handlers you add to your pipeline in Netty:
: available with import NIO
from the swift-nio
: right now in a PR but will be available shortly through import NIOExtras
from the swift-nio-extras
, LengthFieldPrepender
, ProtobufEncoder
: all currently unavailable but straightforward to implement:LengthFieldPrepender
final class LengthFieldPrepender<IntType: FixedWidthInteger>: ChannelOutboundHandler {
// we send send and receive ByteBuffers
typealias OutboundIn = ByteBuffer
typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
private let endianness: Endianness
private var buf: ByteBuffer?
init(type: IntType.Type = IntType.self, endianness: Endianness = .big) {
self.endianness = endianness
func handlerAdded(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
self.buf = ctx.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 8)
func write(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
let incomingData = self.unwrapOutboundIn(data)
// we cache `self.buf` so we might get lucky and save an allocation here if the previous buffer has been fully written already
// write the length as the right type
self.buf!.write(integer: IntType(incomingData.readableBytes), endianness: self.endianness)
ctx.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(self.buf!), promise: nil)
// write the actual data
ctx.write(data, promise: promise)
import SwiftProtobuf
import NIOFoundationCompat // for ByteBuffer.readData
final class ProtobufDecoder<Msg: SwiftProtobuf.Message>: ChannelInboundHandler {
typealias InboundIn = ByteBuffer
typealias InboundOut = Msg
func channelRead(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny) {
var buffer = self.unwrapInboundIn(data)
let data = buffer.readData(length: buffer.readableBytes)!
do {
// pretty straightforward here, just call the message type's initialiser
let req = try Msg(serializedData: data)
} catch {
import NIOFoundationCompat
import SwiftProtobuf
final class ProtobufEncoder<Msg: SwiftProtobuf.Message>: ChannelOutboundHandler {
typealias OutboundIn = Msg
typealias OutboundOut = ByteBuffer
private var buf: ByteBuffer?
func handlerAdded(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext) {
self.buf = ctx.channel.allocator.buffer(capacity: 4096)
func write(ctx: ChannelHandlerContext, data: NIOAny, promise: EventLoopPromise<Void>?) {
let msg = self.unwrapOutboundIn(data)
do {
// just use SwiftProtobuf's nice encoder
self.buf!.write(bytes: try msg.serializedData())
ctx.write(self.wrapOutboundOut(self.buf!), promise: promise)
} catch {