I have a log like this:
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 149] sometihng sometihng
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 149] sometihng sometihng
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 149] sometihng sometihng
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 245] csometihng sometihng
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 245] sometihng sometihng
14:40:33.476 [WebContainer : 245] sometihng sometihng
I use nxlog to send this to kafka, what I want is to merge all lines with "WebContainer : 149" into one, and next line when this changes and so on.
You can use the following regex to capture all the lines with a certain value:
/(.*\[WebContainer : (\d+)\]\s*(.*))+\s+.*\[WebContainer : \2\]\s(.*)+\s+.*\[WebContainer : \2\]\s(.*)+/g
The regex matches any number of any char up to '[WebContainer :
', then matches any number and a right Square bracket before matcing White Spaces.
Then it starts all over Again (a new line), only here it uses capturing Group 2 to specify the number. This is repeated on the third line.
Then replace the matches with :
Now you will get one line per number, combining the 'sometihng
' from each line.