The following sample code from google: no longer seems to work in our desktop application.
In fact it's giving us a gray screen, but with all the interface markers still in tact: - and plenty of warnings (which javascript/css can hide, so not worried about those.) see: (for the working split view, but the same gray streetview)
This has been happening since about 1 nov 2018. I'm not sure what changed,. I'm not finding similar questions (except way older ones which appear unrelated).
I was curious if anyone else has seen the problem we are running into currently - or whether there's an alternative method for implementing the google api that i'm not aware of yet - or perhaps google has implemented some restrictions for implementing their api that have recently been added.
Update: Internally it's using a delphi TWebBrowser component, which seems to be using IE-9 or earlier. When browsing google's demo code on IE, and setting emulation to IE-9, i'm getting the exact same gray background that i'm seeing in the software. It would seem that google stopped IE-9 support as of the first this month?
Solution found,. the problem was indeed in the TWebBrowser using IE9 compatibility mode (which google no longer seems to support). By default it was actually running 7, but we already fixed a similar issue before and had it set to 9.
The solution is to set compatibility mode to IE11, and suddenly it works perfectly again.