I am following this site to integrate office js
On declaring like this:
import * as Excel from '@microsoft/office-js/excel'
It's showing compile time error:
Cannot find module '@microsoft/office-js/excel'
On declaring like this:
declare var Excel: any
It's showing run time error:
ERROR ReferenceError: Excel is not defined
Please suggest how to declare it. I need to use it like this:
Excel.run(session, (context){
Install office type definition:
npm install --save @types/office-js
In tsconfig.app.json you add:
"types": [
In main.ts you bootstrap app as:
Office.initialize = function () {
In index.html you add:
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://appsforoffice.microsoft.com/lib/1/hosted/office.js"></script>
After that you should be able to write something like this in your angular service:
getExtension(): string {
if (Office.context.host === Office.HostType.Word) {
return '.docx';
} else if (Office.context.host === Office.HostType.Excel) {
return '.xlsx';
} else if (Office.context.host === Office.HostType.PowerPoint) {
return '.pptx';
} else {
return null;
Here you can find a sample of angular office-js project:
Angular office-js sample project
It is Angular 6 build with Angular CLI version 6.0.8