Question: How can I delete specific rows in xts, without the need of transform to other formats. The selected row to be deleted, will be based on the row number, or [] but not the timestamp.
This is what I have tested so far:
Send row 4, column 1, to NULL
myxts[4,1] <- NULL
Result: Error in NextMethod(.Generic) : number of items to replace is not a multiple of replacement length
Add value to NA, then delete all NA with [na.omit]
xts3[1,1] <- NA # Adds NA
Result: Does remove the NA rows but does not solve the straightforward way of deleting a row.
This is my test xts:
# Test xts
dates <- as.POSIXct( # Construct the dates to be used.
"2013-07-24 09:01:00",
"2013-07-24 09:02:00",
"2013-07-24 09:03:00"
) <- c(1,2,3) # Data in
data <- data.frame( # Create a dataframe.
xts3 <- xts(x=data, # Create xts based on dataframe.
The following lines result in equal output.
xts3[-2, ]
xts3[index(xts3) != index(xts3[xts3$ == 2])]
2013-07-24 09:01:00 1
2013-07-24 09:03:00 3
But for xts / zoo timeseries it is better and safer to work with the indexes as this leads to a finer control of what you want / can achieve with them.