I have a google sheets spreadsheet that has lots of user data, timestamped. This data is entered into the google sheet by administration AND end users via a google form, so the data points don't come in at regular intervals. I want to be able to query against this datapool, but limit the results shown based a defined amount of time between result.
So say I wanted to query for Bob, I would get 3 results. Is it possible to query this data in a way that it would see the 11\11 result, but disregard the 11\12 result becuase it's within a week of the previous result? Really I'd like to be able to do this for any timeframe.
Well it's easy enough to do as an ordinary formula that you can pull down like this, but I don't see a way of doing it as a query or array formula:
where the person's name is in F1.
This is a fairly rough outline of an answer, I haven't taken account of any time part of the timestamps. The last two dates are only separated by 6 days, but the formula includes the third to last and the last one as mentioned in my comment because they are separated by 7 days.