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(Rails) fields_for a serialized column are not being populated with data

i won't to submit an @order via a form_with in Rails 5.2. The @order is an instance of the Order class which has a serialized column for the address fields. The address fields are filled by fields_for within the order form, when submitting the form to the OrdersController all the fields / values are being passed correctly.

The problem is: if @order fails validation, the OrdersController renders the form view again with @order's errors, but here the fields_for address are not being populated by the :address hash.

I saw quite some hacky solutions to convert a serialized column into attr_accessors. Is there a convenient solution to populate form fields from a serialized column in Rails?

Here my code …


class Order < ApplicationRecord
  serialize :address


  validate  :address_validator



    def address_validator
      required_fields = [:firstname, :lastname, :line1, :city, :postal_code, :country]
      required_fields.each do |field|
        self.errors.add(:base, "Address / #{field.to_s.titleize} can't be blank") if self.address[field.to_s].blank?



<%= form_with model: @order, id: 'order-form', class: 'form', local: true do |f| %>
  <%= render 'shared/form_errors', object: f.object %>


  <%= f.fields_for :address do |g| %>
    <%= render 'orders/address_fields', f: g %>
  <% end %>


<% end %>


<div class='form__row columns columns--responsive-to-small columns--with-gutter'>
  <div class='form__input form__input--mandatory'>
    <%= f.label :firstname, 'Firstname' %>
    <%= f.text_field :firstname %>

  <div class='form__input form__input--mandatory'>
    <%= f.label :lastname, 'Lastname' %>
    <%= f.text_field :lastname %>

<div class='form__row'>
  <div class='form__input form__input--mandatory'>
    <%= f.label :line1, 'Address (line 1)' %>
    <%= f.text_field :line1 %>


After submitting the form the @order object has the following values (address values are present)

(byebug) @order
#<Order id: nil, order_id: "HvMB00KS-73e1fc", …, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, address: {"firstname"=>"Rocky", "lastname"=>"Marciano", "line1"=>"Saplestreet 123", "line2"=>"", "city"=>"Clashtown", "postal_code"=>"18726", "country"=>"Germany"}, email: "", products: … >



  • There is a convenient (not well documented) solution for this called store_accessor that can be used together with a serialized attributes hash in order to create accessors for its keys. I found this thanks to Using PostgreSQL and jsonb with Ruby on Rails by Nando Vieira.

    Using the exemplary address hash from above, we can define …

    class Order < ApplicationRecord
      serialize :address
      store_accessor :address, :firstname, :lastname, :postal_code, …

    to set and read the address' attributes like …

    order =
    order.firstame = 'Billy'
    #=> "Billy"
    #=> "Billy"

    in a form for an @order the keys of address can be set directly and the form will be populated respectively …

    <%= form_with model: @order, local: true do |f| %>
      <%= f.label :firstname, 'Firstname' %>
      <%= f.text_field :firstname %>
      <%= f.label :lastname, 'Lastname' %>
      <%= f.text_field :lastname %>
    <% end %>

    using strong parameters in OrdersController like …

    params.require(:order).permit(:firstname, :lastname)