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What is the difference between subscription.unsubscribe() and subscription.remove()?

I am using Angular 5 and have subscribed an observable using the subscribe() method. I want to know if only calling the unsubscribe() method on the subscription will be sufficient to cleanup everything, or should I also call remove() method?

code snippet:


// somewhere in a method
this.s1 = someObservable.subscribe((value) => {
// in ngOnDestroy
this.s1.unsubscribe(); // should I also call .remove()



  • .remove remove the subscription from an internal list, but it does not unsubscribe.

    .unsubscribe clean up everything, do the unsubscribe and remove the observer from the internal list. (There was a bug (fixed) that didn't remove the observer from the list)

    .takeWhile keep alive the subscription whilst a certain situation continues to be false


    .subscribe(res => {

    this will never unsubscribe.

        takeWhile(() => this.isAlive) // <-- custom variable setted to true
        .subscribe(res => {
        this.isAlive = false;

    Automatic unsubscribe when the component is going to be destroyed.

       this.s1 = someObservable.subscribe((value) => {
    public yourMethod(){

    this subscription will exists and be "alive" until yourFunction is not called.


    I personally like to use the rxjs operator takeWhile to keep the code clean. In a very big project or single component having multiple subscription it's confusing having (IE) 30 variables: Subscription. So If you are asking when to use the takeWhile operator my answer is: (Taking as example one subscription) -> If you are sure that the unsubscribe needs to be done when the component is destroyed, use takeWhile. If you need to unsubscribe in a certain scenario where the component is still "alive", use the second example I wrote.

    Hope to have clarified the argument.