I am developing an Android app using Kotlin, RxJava, and Retrofit. I want to send Http Request to the server.
After the first request success, then I send a second request. So I used concatMap.
val updateJob = restService.updateJob(token, job.id, options) // PUT
val runJob = restService.runJob(token, job.id) // POST
updateJob.concatMap { runJob }
.subscribe({ job ->
Log.d(TAG, "runJob - success: $job")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "runJob - failed: ${it.message}")
What I want is to cancel, if the first request is failed. How should I do this?
Here is a possible code. But... this code is... I think this is ugly... Is there any cool code, please?
restService.updateJob(token, job.id, options) // PUT
.subscribe({ job ->
Log.d(TAG, "updateJob - success")
restService.runJob(token, job.id) // POST
.subscribe({ job ->
Log.d(TAG, "runJob - success")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "runJob - failed: ${it.message}")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "updateJob - failed: ${it.message}")
I have one more question. I have the job list. And I want to do the same thing. Even if some jobs fail, I want to continue with the next jobs. I considered "onErrorResumeNext, onErrorReturn, doOnError". But they are not the solution. How can I do this?
.concatMap { job ->
val updateJob = restService.updateJob(token, job.id, options)
val printJob = restService.printJob(token, job.id)
updateJob.concatMap { printJob }
.window(1) // I thought "window" can be the solution. But it doesn't work.
.subscribe({ job ->
Log.d(TAG, "runJobs - success")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "runJobs - failed: ${it.message}")
Actually, you have already given the answer. Your first case is correct
val updateJob = restService.updateJob(token, job.id, options) // PUT
val runJob = restService.runJob(token, job.id) // POST
updateJob.concatMap { runJob }
.subscribe({ job ->
Log.d(TAG, "runJob - success: $job")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "runJob - failed: ${it.message}")
So in this case, if updateJob
request gets failed then the stream will move into error stream
and runJob
request will never be called.
will be called only when updateJob
is successful.
And after updateJob
success if runJob
fails, then also error stream
will be called.
There is no need for your second solution.
And for your second question onErrorResumeNext
should work. Return any dummy value and handle it in the onNext
.concatMap { job -> restService.updateJob(token, job.id, options).onErrorResumeNext(Flowable.just(/*Send any dummy value*/)) }
.contcatMap { job -> restService.printJob(token, job.id).onErrorResumeNext{Flowable.just(/*Send any dummy value*/)} }
.subscribe({ job ->
/*If dummy value received....handle it gracefully*/
Log.d(TAG, "runJobs - success")
}, {
Log.e(TAG, "runJobs - failed: ${it.message}")