I'd be very grateful if someone could offer me advice getting on getting the Samsung TV emulator to work as I need to test a web app and I have spent more than a day trying different things without success.
I'm using Windows 10. Tizen Studio 3.0, Tv Emulator 4
When I look in the apps section I only see the internet option. When I attempt to drag a sample app into the emulator I see a not permitted icon.
I attempted to access the app via inbuilt browser, either via localhost or a remote address, it fails because it doesn't have network access. It is in Nat mode, in the default configuration. I don't know which ports to use for port forwarding and I followed the bridged network instructions but that doesn't work either. I tried adding a shared folder called Apps and adding a sample app to that but nothing appeared there either.
I have created a test certificate, I'm not sure how to apply it or if it is automatically applied. Any advice would be very welcome because I've run out of ideas.
In order to install the application you must upload your certificate to the emulator (or TV), please find the instructions under creating certificates for Samsung TV devs
The best way to get your certificate working is to create it after boot the emulator, doing this, the certificate manager will get the emulator DUID automatically
Drag and drop operations are not supported by the tv emulator, so you must use 'Run as...' option (right click on the project name) and select 'Tizen web application'
UPDATE: In order save your time, is better to downgrade to Tizen Studio 1.3 and TV Extensions 3, most of problems will disappear and you will be able to develop the same apps (incluiding 2015 & 2016 models)
Please follow this guide HOW TO GET BACK TIZEN STUDIO 1.3 AND TV EXTENSIONS 3.0
So after get back your old 1.3 IDE (using a new workspace)