I currently have a custom type in postgres:
create type times_type as
start varchar,
end varchar,
rate real
I also have a function which takes an array of times_type:
create function insert_data(times_values times_type[])
When I was using named tuples and using callproc to insert one value at a time it worked fine i.e:
Document = namedtuple('times_type', 'start
end rate')
(Document('13:00', '16:00', 12.56))
But now the function is expecting an array, so i attempted:
Document = namedtuple('times_type', 'start
end rate')
([Document('13:00', '16:00', 12.56),
Document('17:00', '18:00', 12.56),
Document('19:00', '20:00', 12.56)])
psycopg2 gives me an error that the function does not exist. Is there something you have to do when dealing with an array of custom types?
The problem with arrays of a composite type is that they have to be explicitly cast, otherwise Postgres see them as record[]
. Use register_adapter(class, adapter)
Document = namedtuple('times_type', 'start end rate')
class DocumentAdapter:
def __init__(self, x):
self.adapted = psycopg2.extensions.SQL_IN(x)
def prepare(self, conn):
def getquoted(self):
return self.adapted.getquoted() + b'::times_type'
psycopg2.extensions.register_adapter(Document, DocumentAdapter)
([Document('13:00', '16:00', 12.56),
Document('17:00', '18:00', 12.56),
Document('19:00', '20:00', 12.56)],)) # comma added, this should be a tuple
conn.commit(); # dont forget to commit