Thanks again for everyone who commented/answered my question
Problem solved: I am not able to make canvas image looks better on the generated PDF and the due date of the project is closing, finally, I decided to move the "PDF Report" feature from Front-End(Angular) to Back-End(python), I have posted an answer(not really an answer for my own question, but more like a solution)
I have replaced Chart.js with Echarts but the blurry issue still exists. I did a lot of search on jsPDF and Canvas blurry online, it seems like the canvas settings need to be customized, unfortunately, I have no clue how to achieve it.
I have an Angular project which is required to download PDF for graph data. I choose Chart.js and jspdf which works well. When I print 2 charts in one page, the resolution is okay but when I try to print 3 charts on the same page, the texts are blurry. I have read this similar question but not figured out how to make resolution better when having multiple charts.
HTML Code:
<div class="col-md-4">
<div class="card card-chart">
<div class="card-header">
<h5 class="card-title">Cervical Lateral Flexion</h5>
<!--<p class="card-category">Line Chart</p>-->
<div class="card-body">
<canvas id="cervicalLateralFlexion"></canvas>
Typescript Code:
public static buildChart(doc, selector, title, yHeight) {
let height = yHeight;
const canvas = document.querySelector(selector) as HTMLCanvasElement;
doc.text(leftMargin, yHeight, title);
const canvasImage = canvas.toDataURL('image/png');
height += margin;
doc.addImage(canvasImage, 'PNG', leftMargin, height);
Can anyone help? How to solve this issue? Thanks in advance! Image 1 is how it looks on web page and image 2 is PDF file.
Update on May 10th, 2020 I have recorded a couple of videos on how to build PDF report using Weasyprint and Plotly, you can find details here:
Update on Feb 3rd, 2020:
I have found that Plotly
is really amazing when export static images, highly recommended. See images I have built and you can compare it with my original question post images:
A couple of features:
Original Post in 2019:
Thanks all for whom answered my question, I really appreciate your help I spent more than 2 weeks on jsPDF + Chart.js but still not figuring out how to print PDF with canvas images properly.
This project is new, the languages/tools/dependencies are not restricted. To make the project done on time I switch the PDF report from Front-End(Angular) to Back-End(Python). Now it took me 2 days to complete the PDF.
sources I used to generate PDF report and Charts:
Many thanks to Weasyprint for making generating PDF documents with HTML and CSS productive! Here's the PDF I have been generated: