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Travers through a nested json object and store values- Python

This is a follow up on this question. Question

Also this question is similar but does not solve my problem Question2

I am trying to parse a nested json to get Check how many children a specific location has, I am trying to check if "children:" = None and increment counter to check how many levels down i need to go in order to get the lowest child, or A more efficient solution would be:

I need to get all the child values into a list and keep going until "children:" = None.

The Json object can increase in the amount of children so we can have multiple level of children, Which can get messy if I want to nest the list and get the values, How could I do it dynamically?

    'locationId': 'location1',
    'name': 'Name',
    'type': 'Ward',
    'patientId': None,
    'children': [{
        'locationId': 'Child_location2',
        'name': 'Name',
        'type': 'Bed',
        'patientId': None,
        'children': [{
            'locationId': 'Child_Child_location3',
            'name': 'Name',
            'type': 'HospitalGroup',
            'patientId': None,
            'children': None
    }, {
        'locationId': 'location4',
        'name': 'Name',
        'type': 'Hospital',
        'patientId': None,
        'children': None
    }, {
        'locationId': 'location5',
        'name': 'Name',
        'type': 'Bed',
        'patientId': None,
        'children': None
    }, {
        'locationId': 'location6',
        'name': 'Name',
        'type': 'Bed',
        'patientId': None,
        'children': None
    }, {
        'locationId': 'location27',
        'name': 'Name',
        'type': 'Bed',
        'patientId': None,
        'children': None

I tried to do something like this

import requests
def Get_Child(URL, Name):
        headers = {
            'accept': 'text/plain',

        response = requests.get(
            URL + Name,
        json_data = response.json()
        print (json_data)
        list = []
        for locationId in json_data['locationId']:
            for children in locationId['children']:

but that give me the following error,

for children in locationId['locationId']: TypeError: string indices must be integers


  • I found a solution fro my problem,

    The following code will get all the children and append them to a list

    class Children():
      def Get_All_Children(self,json_input, lookup_key):
          if isinstance(json_input, dict):
              for k, v in json_input.items():
                  if k == lookup_key:
                      yield v
                      yield from self.Get_All_Children(v, lookup_key)
          elif isinstance(json_input, list):
              for item in json_input:
                  yield from self.Get_All_Children(item, lookup_key)
    for locations in self.Get_All_Children(self.json_data, 'locationId'):