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Count occurences of True/False in column of dataframe

Is there a way to count the number of occurrences of boolean values in a column without having to loop through the DataFrame?

Doing something like


Will not work because False has a value of 0, hence a sum of zeroes will always return 0.

Obviously you could count the occurrences by looping over the column and checking, but I wanted to know if there's a pythonic way of doing this.


  • Use pd.Series.value_counts():

    >> df = pd.DataFrame({'boolean_column': [True, False, True, False, True]})
    >> df['boolean_column'].value_counts()
    True     3
    False    2
    Name: boolean_column, dtype: int64

    If you want to count False and True separately you can use pd.Series.sum() + ~:

    >> df['boolean_column'].values.sum()  # True
    >> (~df['boolean_column']).values.sum() # False