as php noob I have a problem with php setcookie. I try to achive a cookie which value is "bid_1%257C1544538505%257Ced2d154bb51e2a989fb30fe4250ce602" with php. This I tried so far... .
$cookieName = 'test';
$value = 'bid_1%7C1544538505%7Ced2d154bb51e2a989fb30fe4250ce602';
$setcookie($cookieName, $value, time()+3600);
What I get is a cookie with a value of:
How can I achive a correct value and prevent php from transforming "%". Many Thanks in advance.
I tried without success
$value = 'bid_1%%7C1544538505%%7Ced2d154bb51e2a989fb30fe4250ce602';// and
$value = 'bid_1\%7C1544538505\%7Ced2d154bb51e2a989fb30fe4250ce602';
Basically the root problem is that setcookie encodes your value, therefore some characters like %
are encoded as %25
setrawcookie doesn't have this feature and therefore returns the result you want