I use Django 1.11 and the parler plugin for translation. Every time I save a slug, I wish to
This way, I wish to create a unique slug on saving.
from parler.models import TranslatableModel
from django.utils.translation import gettext_lazy as _
class Event(TranslatableModel):
translations = TranslatedFields(
event_title=models.CharField(_("event title"), max_length=512),
slug=models.SlugField(_("slug"), help_text=_("Used in the URL of the event page.")),
meta={'unique_together': (('language_code', 'slug'),)},
def save_translation(self, translation, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a unique slug of 45 Characters + a dash and 4 digits."""
translation.slug = translation.slug[:50]
if Event.objects.active_translations(slug=translation.slug).exists():
# This is true on the first test for no apparent reason.
i = 0
while Event.objects.active_translations(slug=translation.slug).exists():
translation.slug = translation.slug[:44]+'-'+str(i)
i += 1
super(Event, self).save_translation(translation, *args, **kwargs)
This code dosen't work. It always add a number to the slug, no matter what, even if I enter a completely new slug.
The problem here is that save_translation gets called multiple times. My solution is:
def save_translation(self, translation, *args, **kwargs):
"""Create a unique slug build of the title + language code + a number."""
translation.slug = translation.slug[:50]
This filter is a bit more complicated.
If the same slug but with a differen ID alread exists:
~Q(id=translation.master_id) &
Or if the same slug with the same ID but different language already exists:
Q(id=translation.master_id) &
~Q(translations__language_code=translation.language_code) &
if Event.objects.filter(
(~Q(id=translation.master_id) &
Q(translations__slug=translation.slug)) |
(Q(id=translation.master_id) &
~Q(translations__language_code=translation.language_code) &
i = 1
while Event.objects.filter(
(~Q(id=translation.master_id) &
Q(translations__slug=translation.slug)) |
(Q(id=translation.master_id) &
~Q(translations__language_code=translation.language_code) &
# Truncate the slug, if it is too long. This happens, if the
# initial slug is to long or if the trailing number reaches
# another digit.
trunc_number = (4 + ceil(log10(i + 1)))
if len(translation.slug) + trunc_number > 50:
translation.slug = translation.slug[:50-trunc_number]
# Substitute the trailing language code and number with a bigger number.
translation.slug = re.sub(
'\g<slug_start>' + '-' + translation.language_code + '-' + str(i),
i += 1
super(Event, self).save_translation(translation, *args, **kwargs)
It got a bit longer then I hoped, but I think it works.