I have a routing setting like this
path: '',
component: BaseCmp,
children: [
{ path: 'list', component: ListCmp },
path: 'list/:itemId',
component: ListItemCmp,
path: 'list/:itemId/:subNavItemId',
component: ListItemCmp,
I'm selecting an Item from the ListCmp and get navigated to for example 'list/123'
In the ListCmp Constructor/OnInit I'm fetching some data with the :itemId and it returns a list of SubNavItems, from which the id of the first SubNavItem should be added as params (for routerLinkActive to highlight and other fetching purposes).
constructor(route:ActivatedRoute, http:HttpClient, router:Router){
let id = route.params.itemId
http.get(.../id).subscribe(list => {
// add id of first item of list to params
this.router.navigate(['list', id, list[0].id, {replaceUrl:true}]
This will cause the destruction of the current ListItemCmp and instantiate a new ListItemCmp. How can I prevent that? I've tried the location.go() method but that won't trigger the routerLinkActive
Following my comment, your error was coming from the fact that your routes were siblings instead of parents : by routing away from the first sibling, you were destroying it to create the other sibling.
With parent routes, the parent will stay (because it contains a router outlet and can't disappear), while the child will be appended to the parent, meaning the parent doesn't get destroyed.