I am using this dropdown box in my project: https://github.com/kirkbyo/Dropper
I want to enter the selected item from the drop-down box into the text of the button. However, I have 3 buttons which all with drop down boxes and to find out what item has been pressed you use the func DropperSelectedRow(_ path: IndexPath, contents: String)
method which will give you the index path and string of what was clicked. in which case you just place the content into the button text but I don't know which button to place it in. How would I find this out?
this is my code:
class ListComposerTableViewController: UITableViewController, UITextViewDelegate, DropperDelegate {
@IBOutlet weak var typeButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var dateButton: UIButton!
@IBOutlet weak var publicButton: UIButton!
let typeDropper = Dropper(width: 105, height: 105)
let typeOptions = ["Event", "Birthday", "Christmas", "Charity"]
let publicDropper = Dropper(width: 105, height: 105)
let publicOptions = ["Public", "Private"]
let dueDropper = Dropper(width: 105, height: 130)
let dueOptions = ["Bithday", "Christmas", "Custom Date"]
override func viewDidLoad() {
//set up the droppers
typeDropper.items = typeOptions // Item displayed
typeDropper.maxHeight = 105
typeDropper.theme = Dropper.Themes.black(UIColor.white)
typeDropper.delegate = self
typeDropper.cornerRadius = typeButton.layer.cornerRadius
typeDropper.cellColor = Colours.flatColour.main.headings
typeDropper.cellBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
typeDropper.width = 105
typeDropper.height = 105
publicDropper.items = publicOptions // Item displayed
publicDropper.maxHeight = 105
publicDropper.theme = Dropper.Themes.black(UIColor.white)
publicDropper.delegate = self
publicDropper.cornerRadius = publicButton.layer.cornerRadius
publicDropper.cellColor = Colours.flatColour.main.headings
publicDropper.cellBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
publicDropper.width = 105
publicDropper.height = 105
dueDropper.items = dueOptions // Item displayed
dueDropper.maxHeight = 130
dueDropper.theme = Dropper.Themes.black(UIColor.white)
dueDropper.delegate = self
dueDropper.cornerRadius = publicButton.layer.cornerRadius
dueDropper.cellColor = Colours.flatColour.main.headings
dueDropper.cellBackgroundColor = UIColor.white
dueDropper.width = 105
dueDropper.height = 105
@IBAction func typeDidPress(_ sender: Any) {
if typeDropper.status == .hidden {
typeDropper.showWithAnimation(0.15, options: Dropper.Alignment.center, button: typeButton)
} else {
@IBAction func dueDidPress(_ sender: Any) {
if dueDropper.status == .hidden {
dueDropper.showWithAnimation(0.15, options: Dropper.Alignment.center, button: dateButton)
} else {
@IBAction func publicDidPress(_ sender: Any) {
if publicDropper.status == .hidden {
publicDropper.showWithAnimation(0.15, options: Dropper.Alignment.center, button: publicButton)
} else {
func DropperSelectedRow(_ path: IndexPath, contents: String) {
How would I place the contents of what was clicked into the button text of where the dropper came from? Thank you.
Use func DropperSelectedRow(_ path: IndexPath, contents: String, tag: Int)
You can assign a tag for your buttons and check this property when delegate method is invoked.
For example: typeDropper.tag = 1
func DropperSelectedRow(_ path: IndexPath, contents: String, tag: Int) {
if tag == 1 {
typeButton.setTitle(contents, for: .normal)