I am looking for the golden way how to automatically (re)deploy a war-file myPortal.war
onto a Tomcat server using Jenkins, assuming the Tomcat is running on another machine with a Tomcat-manager running. The relevant powershell build step within my current Jenkins job is the following:
$user = "foo"
$pass = "bar"
$secpass = ConvertTo-SecureString $pass -AsPlainText -Force
$ServerURL = $ENV:Server
$credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential($user, $secpass)
Invoke-WebRequest -URI "$($ServerURL)/manager/text/undeploy?path=/myPortal"
-Method GET -Credential $credential -UseBasicParsing
Invoke-WebRequest -InFile "$($Path)\myPortal.war"
-URI "$($ServerURL)/manager/text/deploy?path=/myPortal&update=true"
-Method PUT -Credential $credential
-ContentType 'application/zip' -UseBasicParsing
Here, I used the undeploy
-command as described by Tomcat Documentation. My problem in detail:
?I am aware of the Tomcat-plugin for Jenkins, but this (a) also requires the Tomcat-manager to be running and (b) I am failing to redeploy using a Jenkins Choice parameter (neither a $ServerURL
nor a %ServerURL
works) which seems to be Jenkins issue that it is not possible use a parameterized container.
Here are the most relevant related posts, however they did not answer my question:
Just for the record: The work-around we are currently using is to let some other software do the deployment. The reason for this was not the above-mentioned security-concerns, but a requirement of our customer to use a proprietary software packaging service XYZ of their choice. All Jenkins does now is to upload the WAR-file using the API of that software packaging service.