I have the following dataset:
Start day End Day Product ID Sells Unites
01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Blue DA_1000 $55,555.00 12
01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Red DA_1000 $1,321,321.00 55555
01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Blue DA_1000 $444.00 11111
01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Green DA_1000 $1,313,121.00 24
01/11/2018 08/11/2018 Aspire DA_1001 $11.00 55555
09/11/2018 16/11/2018 Black DA_1001 $786.13 49
09/11/2018 16/11/2018 Apple DA_1001 $629.55 22
09/11/2018 16/11/2018 White DA_1001 $0.39 1
17/11/2018 24/11/2018 Orange DA_1002 $0.00 515413
17/11/2018 24/11/2018 Blue DA_1002 $569.35 42
17/11/2018 24/11/2018 Red DA_1003 $315,154.00 40
25/11/2018 30/11/2018 White DA_1003 $45,464,564.00 36
25/11/2018 30/11/2018 Black DA_1003 $490.41 42
25/11/2018 30/11/2018 Vol DA_1004 $435.61 55
And I want to query from the products that have sells equal to=444, from this query I want to query again all of those that they're ID is equal to "DA_1000". and I managed to do that. But when I trying inserting to the where condition the explicit cell value I can't get any result,
This is the working query:
=query({query(A1:F15,"Select * Where E=444",1)},Select * Where Col4='DA_1000',1)
This is the non-working query:
=query({query(A1:F15,"Select * Where E=444",1)},Select * Where Col4='TEST!N6',1)
This is the url for the google sheet.
Please assist.
If you would want the select-clause in a cell (ex: H10) you'd have to write in this cell:
="Select * Where Col4='"&TEST!N6&"'"
Then in your query:
=query({query(A1:F15,"Select * Where E=444",1)},H10,1)
Note that this can also be done in one query by writing in the reference cell
=" and D='"&TEST!N6&"'"
and then your query would look like this:
=query(A1:F15,"Select * Where E=444"&H10,1)