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Lift load Dateformat issue from csv file

we are migrating db2 data to db2 on cloud. We are using below lift cli operation for migration.

    1. Extracting a database table to a CSV file using lift extract from source database.
    1. Then loading the extracted CSV file to db2 on cloud using 'lift load'


We have created some tables using ddl on the target db2oncloud which have some columns with DATA TYPE "TIMESTAMP" while load operation(lift load), we are getting below error"

"MESSAGE": "The field in row \"2\", column \"8\" which begins with \"\"2018-08-08-\"\" does not match the user specified DATEFORMAT, TIMEFORMAT, or TIMESTAMPFORMAT. The row will be rejected.", "SQLCODE": "SQL3191W"


  • If you use db2 as a source database, then use either:

    • the following property during export (to export dates, times, timestamps as usual for db2 utilities - without double quotes):


    • try to use the following property during load, if you have already exported timestamps surrounded by double quotes:
