Search code examples

AngularJS doesn't work with 'multiple' flag

I'm trying to filter some data from the select box. It works fine when I don't use the "multiple" flag. However, the idea here is to be able to select multiple environments and multiple applications and show it based the options I selected, but it is not working. I tried in many different ways, but I didn't find what I'm missing. Can someone help me here?

Here are the files which I'm using.


<div ng-controller="monitoring" class="md-padding selectdemoOptionGroups" ng-cloak="" ng-app="monitor">
        <h1 class="md-title">Monitoring</h1>
        <div layout="row">

            <md-input-container style="margin-right: 10px;">
                <md-select ng-model="segment" >
                    <md-option ng-repeat="segment in segments" value="{{segment}}">{{segment}}</md-option>

            <md-select ng-model="selectedEnvironments" multiple>
                <md-optgroup label="environments">
                    <md-option ng-value="" ng-repeat="environment in environments | filter: {category: 'env' }">{{}}</md-option>

                    <md-select ng-model="selectedApplications" multiple="">
                        <md-optgroup label="application">
                            <md-option ng-value="" ng-repeat="application in applications | filter: {category: 'app' } ">{{}}</md-option>

            <button ng-click="clear()" style="width: 55px; height: 50px;" id="iconTextButton">Clear</button>
            <button style="width: 55px; height: 50px;" id="iconTextButton">Run</button>

    <div class="md-card container-shadow" style="margin:15px">
            <div class="card-header4">
                Monitoring page1 for {{segment}}
            <table id="grid422">
                    <col style="width:830px" />
                    <col style="width:130px" />
                    <col style="width:130px" />
                    <col style="width:130px" />
                <thead align="left">
                        <th >Application</th>
                        <th >StatusUP</th>
                <tbody align="left" >
                        <tr ng-repeat="todo in todos | filter:segment | filter:selectedEnvironments | orderBy: 'application' ">  


(function (angular) {
        .controller('monitoring', function ($scope, $http) {
            $scope.segments = [
            $scope.selectedSegments = [];
            $scope.printSelectedSegments = function printSelectedSegments() {
                return this.selectedSegments.join('');

            $scope.environments = [
                { category: 'env', name: 'ENV1' },
                { category: 'env', name: 'ENV2' },
                { category: 'env', name: 'ENV3' },
                { category: 'env', name: 'ENV4' }
            $scope.selectedEnvironments = [];
            $scope.printSelectedEnvironments = function printSelectedEnvironments() {
                var numberOfEnvironments = this.selectedEnvironments.length;

                if (numberOfEnvironments > 1) {
                    var needsOxfordComma = numberOfEnvironments > 2;
                    var lastEnvironmentConjunction = (needsOxfordComma ? ',' : '') + ' and ';
                    var lastEnvironment = lastEnvironmentConjunction +
                        this.selectedEnvironments[this.selectedEnvironments.length - 1];
                    return this.selectedEnvironments.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + lastEnvironment;
                return this.selectedEnvironments.join('');

            $scope.applications = [
                { category: 'app', name: 'App1' },
                { category: 'app', name: 'App2' },
                { category: 'app', name: 'App3' },
                { category: 'app', name: 'App4' }
            $scope.selectedApplications = [];
            $scope.printSelectedApplications = function printSelectedApplications() {
                var numberOfApplications = this.selectedApplications.length;

                if (numberOfApplications > 1) {
                    var needsOxfordComma = numberOfApplications > 2;
                    var lastApplicationConjunction = (needsOxfordComma ? ',' : '') + ' and ';
                    var lastApplication = lastApplicationConjunction +
                        this.selectedApplications[this.selectedApplications.length - 1];
                    return this.selectedApplications.slice(0, -1).join(', ') + lastApplication;
                return this.selectedApplications.join('');

   $scope.todos = [ 



  • You can create custom function for filter

    Updated code

    <tbody align="left">
            <tr ng-repeat="todo in todos | **filter: filterByGenres** | orderBy: 'application' ">

    angular controller side code

        (function(angular) {
        .module('plunker', ['ngMaterial'])
        .controller('monitoring', function($scope, $http) {
          **$scope.filterByGenres = function(ele) {
            var res = true
            if ($scope.selectedEnvironments !== null && $scope.selectedEnvironments.length > 0) {
              if ($scope.selectedEnvironments.indexOf(ele.environment) == -1) {
                res = false;
            if ($scope.selectedApplications !== null && $scope.selectedApplications.length > 0) {
              if ($scope.selectedApplications.indexOf(ele.application) == -1) {
                res = false;
            return res;
          $scope.segments = [

    Plunker here
