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I am new to composer playground but get the error mentioned in the title. There is something wrong in my transaction code. Help is greatly appreciated.


 * Make an entry for the action performed
 * @param {} tx - transaction that contains the document,
 the user and the new action taken.
 * @transaction
async function documentAction(tx) {

// add document action to user story
let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('')
// persist the state of the user
await assetRegistry.update(tx.modifier.actions);

// add document action to document story
assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('')
// persist the state of the document actions
await assetRegistry.update(tx.document.actions);

// emit a notification that entry was made
let actionNotification = getFactory().newEvent('', 'Action_Notification');
actionNotification.document = tx.document;
actionNotification.user = tx.modifier;




    o READ
    o WRITE
    o UPDATE
    o DELETE   
    o CREATE 

asset Document identified by document_id{
    o String document_id
    // list of action_ids
    o String[] actions

participant User identified by user_id {
    o String user_id
    // list of actions_ids
    o String[] actions

asset Document_Action identified by action_id {

  o String action_id
  o DateTime time
  o Boolean success
  o OPERATION operation


transaction Document_Transaction {
  // document action was performed upon
  --> Document document
  // user that performed this action
  --> User modifier
  // action that was performed upon the document
  --> Document_Action action

event Action_Notification {
  --> User user
  --> Document document

As mentioned above, the error exists when i perform a Document_transaction in Composer playground. I have looked up the errors but they seem to be very model specific. Therefore, I am aware that the error occured to others as well.


    1. tx.modifier is a reference of Participant User not of Asset so you need getParticipantRegistry instead of getAssetRegistry
    2. you need to update only tx.modifier in participantRegistry.update() and tx.document in assetRegistry.update()

    Here Changed login.js

     * Make an entry for the action performed
     * @param {} tx - transaction that contains the document,
     the user and the new action taken.
     * @transaction
    async function documentAction(tx) {
        // add document action to user story
        let participantRegistry = await getParticipantRegistry('')
        // persist the state of the user
        await participantRegistry.update(tx.modifier);
        // add document action to document story
        let assetRegistry = await getAssetRegistry('')
        // persist the state of the document actions
        await assetRegistry.update(tx.document);
        // emit a notification that entry was made
        let actionNotification = getFactory().newEvent('', 'Action_Notification');
        actionNotification.document = tx.document;
        actionNotification.user = tx.modifier;