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Passing data to a member functions that use a function

I have a cfc that is a service. It only has functions. Up until now did not have any member variables.


function post(required string email, required string password) { 


  variables.password = arguments.password; // wish I didn't have to do this
  var User = entityLoad("Users", {email :}).filter(
        return item.validatePassword(variables.password);
  variables.password = "";

I don't like that I have to set arguments.password to variables.password just so that the function inside of .filter can see it. Isn't there a cleaner way to do this?


  • In CF11 and newer, including Lucee 4/5, CFML closures can access variables in the parent scope (and up the stack). CF10 seems to have problems with this... but here's the code you can run in to see how it works on each version of ColdFusion:

    function doFilter(term) {
        var superheroes=[
               {"name":"Iron Man","member":"Avengers"},
               {"name":"Wonder Woman","member":"Justice League"},
               {"name":"Aquaman","member":"Justice League"}
        var filtered=superheroes.filter(function(item){
           return item.member==term;

    So, in other words, you should have access to the arguments in the post() method if you're using CF11 or newer, or Lucee.