I want to make my uwp app as fast as possible like Microsoft apps. Whenever I open the Groove Music it is always ready to show me the list of songs even the page I visited last time. It doesn't load for a moment. What's the mechanism behind that? How can I make my app fast like that? actually, I want my app to be always ready to show a list of items in listview whenever I open my app.
The feature you are looking for is called Prelaunch. Most Microsoft apps opt into prelaunch which will make them eligible to get background-launched (and then suspended) opportunistically by the OS, based on some heuristics. Then when the user launches the app, the OS will just need to resume them from suspended state which is much faster than launching them cold. The OS will prioritize apps that the user frequently launches, so you may not see an immediate effect, but over time the user will get better launch times.