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Executing a query on geomesa cassandra datastore using JAVA

i have been following the geomesa cassandra quickstart tutrorila and now i am build a spring boot api to query on the imported table, in the example code i find CQL filter which acts as the WHERE part in the normal sql query:

new Query(getTypeName(), ECQL.toFilter( "Actor2CountryCode LIKE 'AU'" ))

but i cant figure out how to write the SELECT FROM part using this ECQL query


  • It is not generally feasible to query GeoMesa raw data directly - you should instead use the GeoTools API and GeoTools ECQL filters (not Cassandra CQL).

    To see what select statements are generated from a given GeoTools query, you can use the getQueryPlan method as described in the GeoMesa documentation. This will return an instance of CassandraQueryPlan which has a reference to the statements to execute (see here). Note that there may be a secondary filter applied on the results of the statements, defined as clientSideFilter in the query plan.