Search code examples Core. Configure IOptions method with Type params (not generic)

Is there a way to call the method Configure from IServiceCollection DI container with non generic params?

I want to register my config section not like the following:


But in this way:

services.Configure(typeof(AppSection), Configuration);

I want to do this as I want to pass my config sections by List<Type> collection from low-level application levels(DAL) to High-level (Web api). And then make only a loop by this collection with registration each section.

foreach (var type in LowAppLevelSections)
   services.Configure(type, Configuration);

So, in the end I will not have strong dependency between for example DAL and Web API level.

Is there any idea?


  • Here's an approach. All you have to do is clean it up a bit, write some unit tests. (Again sorry for the messy code)

    public static class IServicesCollectionExtension
        public static IServiceCollection Configure(this IServiceCollection services, Type typeToRegister, IConfiguration service)
            var myMethod = typeof(OptionsConfigurationServiceCollectionExtensions)
              .GetMethods(BindingFlags.Static | BindingFlags.Public)
              .Where(x => x.Name == nameof(OptionsConfigurationServiceCollectionExtensions.Configure) && x.IsGenericMethodDefinition)
              .Where(x => x.GetGenericArguments().Length == 1)
              .Where(x => x.GetParameters().Length == 2)
            MethodInfo generic = myMethod.MakeGenericMethod(typeToRegister);
            generic.Invoke(null, new object[] { services, service });
            return services;