[I'm sorry that this isn't directly a programming question. But I have recently switched to a new Vista machine where I am keeping UAC enabled (please don't tell me to disable it, it's not an option).]
Every time I run gnu's patch.exe I get an elevation dialog from Vista. If I rename patch.exe to foo.exe it does not do this, so I assume this is one of Vista's "heuristics".
Does anyone know how to disable this? It's driving me nuts and the Googles aren't helping.
Or should I add a manifest just for patch.exe to tell the system NOT to try to elevate this? Will that work, and if so how do you make such a manifest?
Thanks so much, been banging my head against the wall for an hour on this so far.
If you can add a manifest to the affected executable declaring a requestedExecutionLevel of 'asInvoker' it should stop prompting.
Associated guide on UAC architecture and converting existing applications so they work correctly (near the bottom fifth of the page):
Lastly, how to write such a manifest: