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Unhandled rejection SequelizeForeignKeyConstraintError: insert or update on table

I use sequelize-cli for migrations:

My migration code:

module.exports = {
 up(queryInterface, Sequelize) {
     options: {},
   }).then((data) => {
     data.forEach(schema => queryInterface.addColumn({
       tableName: 'visitors',
       schema, // dynamic schemas coming from loop
     }, 'purposeId', {
       type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
       references: {
         model: 'purposes', // name of Target model
         key: 'id', // key in Target model that we're referencing

I have multiple schemas, inside that i have table called 'visitors', in that table i want to add column called 'purposeId' references from 'purposes' table.

Migrations successfully done, also i got a purposeId column inside my 'visitors' table.

But if i do crud operations inside 'visitors' table i am getting this error:

Unhandled rejection SequelizeForeignKeyConstraintError: insert or update on table "visitors" violates foreign key constraint "visitors_purposeId_fkey"

NOTE: I am using postgres.


  • Actually i solved this using constraints:false.

    I removed that references from my migration.

    My Migration code:

    module.exports = {
     up(queryInterface, Sequelize) {
         options: {},
       }).then((data) => {
         data.forEach(schema => queryInterface.addColumn({
           tableName: 'visitors',
         }, 'purposeId', {
           type: Sequelize.INTEGER,
     down(queryInterface, Sequelize) {
         options: {},
       }).then((data) => {
         data.forEach(schema => queryInterface.removeColumn({
           tableName: 'visitors',
         }, 'purposeId', {
           type: Sequelize.INTEGER,

    And in my Sequelize model:

    Visitor.belongsTo(Purpose, { constraints: false });