Paste this code in a new module on your Excel file and run the Tester function to test it out.
For testing, replace the URL in the Tester function with a URL of your own to test.
Sub Tester()
MsgBox FileSize("")
End Sub
Function FileSize(sURL As String)
Dim oXHTTP As Object
Set oXHTTP = CreateObject("MSXML2.XMLHTTP")
oXHTTP.Open "HEAD", sURL, False
If oXHTTP.Status = 200 Then
FileSize = oXHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length")
FileSize = -1
End If
End Function
Once this is pasted in a module in your Excel fille, you can use it through VBA as shown in the Tester function or you can use it as below:
If column A contains all the URLs, and you want to show the file size in column B, type this in cell B1 and drag it down:
The above will give the file size in bytes. If you want to display the file size in kilo bytes rounded to 2 decimal places and have "KB" displayed next to the number, you can update the following line of code:
FileSize = oXHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length")
to the new one below:
FileSize = CStr(Round(oXHTTP.getResponseHeader("Content-Length") / 1024, 2)) + " KB"