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How to stop execution in for-comprehension if Option is None using cats IO?

If i just use Option in for-comprehension everything goes as expected:

val a = Some(1)
val b = None
val c = Some(3)

val r = for {
  aa <- a
  bb <- b
  cc <- c
} yield aa + bb + cc

println(r) // None, because b is None

but how to achieve the same behaviour using cats IO?

import cats.effect.IO
// in reality this will be a methods with side effect
val a = Some(1)
val b = None
val c = Some(3)

val r = for {
  _ <- IO{println("a"); a}
  _ <- IO{println("b"); b} // want to stop execution here
  _ <- IO{println("c"); c}
} yield ()


In result i get a b c, but i expect only a b.

Is it possible to achieve? Is it a right way to do it?


  • You can do this with monad transformers; specifically, you'll want to use OptionT[IO, T] here:

    import cats.effect._
    import cats.implicits._
    import cats.effect.IO
    val a = Some(1)
    val b = None
    val c = Some(3)
    val r = for {
      _ <- OptionT[IO, Int](IO {println("a"); a})
      _ <- OptionT[IO, Int](IO {println("b"); b})
      _ <- OptionT[IO, Int](IO {println("c"); c})
    } yield ()

    See it in action here.