I have a list of html files, I have taken some texts from the web and make them read with the read_html
My files names are like:
a1 <- read_html(link of the text)
a2 <- read_html(link of the text)
. ## until:
a100 <- read_html(link of the text)
I am trying to create a corpus with these.
Any ideas how can I do it?
You could allocate the vector beforehand:
text <- rep(NA, 100)
text[1] <- read_html(link1)
text[100] <- read_html(link100)
Even better, if you organize your links as vector. Then you can use, as suggested in the comments, lapply
text <- lapply(links, read_html)
(here links is a vector of the links).
It would be rather bad coding style to use assign
# not a good idea
for (i in 1:100) assign(paste0("text", i), get(paste0("link", i)))
since this is rather slow and hard to process further.