I could not pinpoint to a specific keyword of it. But,
I was looking for a control in UWP app that supports down to version 14393
A radial control like in lots of games that can be select with L or R on a game controller. (eg. Grand Theft Auto V weapon selection)
I found something similar which is Dial controller, but it only works with Surface Dial
Is it possible to make radial control that can be select with controller L or R
You could refer RadialGauge XAML Control that comes from Community Tool Kit.
<controls:RadialGauge x:Name="RadialGaugeControl" Column="1" Value="70" Minimum="0"
Maximum="180" TickSpacing="20" ScaleWidth="26" Unit="Units" TickBrush="Gainsboro"
ScaleTickBrush="{ThemeResource ApplicationPageBackgroundThemeBrush}"
NeedleWidth="5" TickLength="18">
For the source code you could refer this.