Warning: Please bear with me and I am fairly new with Gatling. So, apologies in advance. :P :)
I was going through the Loadrunner Asynchronous Calls Function - wb_reg_async_attributes, and I found that there are four different Asynchronous Conversation Patterns, which are:
Poll - The client polls the server periodically for information.
Long Poll - The client polls the server and waits for a response. When the response arrives, another poll request is initiated.
Now, I have a requirement where I need to test Long-Polling using Gatling. As far as I know, there are two ways in Gatling:
Please feel free to let me know in case I am wrong. By using Polling function of Gatling, I am getting a Gateway Timeout Error. My theory is:
Gatling sends the request --> doesn't get a response --> Comes back with Gateway Timeout error.
Is there a way I can emulate Long Polling in Gatling? Please help me out in resolving this challenge.
Poll works in the similar fashion as LongPoll