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Resetting I2C state using HAL in STM32L0 MCU

I use I2C-tools to test firmware (HAL-based), I2C, STM32L0 MCU. When I send command to MCU (via i2cset utility), it sends an answer (received in i2cget). It works fine. If I call i2cget twice after single i2cset, it fails (which is expected behaviour). But if I execute i2cset after that error, then it also fails. So, the receive-transfer becomes broken (no callback is activated). How can it be fixed?

At the moment, HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT() is called in HAL_I2C_SlaveTxCpltCallback(). HAL_I2C_SlaveRxCpltCallback() calls HAL_I2C_Slave_Transmit_IT(). Should I put HAL_I2C_Slave_Receive_IT() in two callbacks (receive/transmit related)?


  • I don't know if you've solved this question. However, it is more accurate to define a flag that states that the HAL_I2C_SlaveTxCpltCallback, HAL_I2C_SlaveRxCpltCallback, and HAL_I2C_ErrorCallback functions have completed transfers or an error occurred.

    maybe the following codes may be useful. You can reinit after making deinit.

      * @brief  Initialize and setup GPIO and I2C peripheral
      * @param  obj : pointer to i2c_t structure
      * @retval none
    void i2c_deinit(i2c_t *obj)
    #if !defined(STM32F0xx) && !defined(STM32L0xx)
    #endif // !defined(STM32F0xx) && !defined(STM32L0xx)
    void LDC_I2C_ReInit(void)

    and it has a fine example in these links.