Im trying to create an custom view that displays a dial with the numbers 1-10 around it. Im using trigonometry to find the X and Y positions for the numbers of the dial. I have no problems to find the positions around the circle but im unable to align them further in towards center of the dial. Look at number 6 for example, i just want it to be placed slightly above the thick white tick mark.
I have tried versions of "shortening the radius".
val diameter = Math.min(width, height)
val radius = diameter / 2
val distance = radius * 0.20f //20% of radius
And then deduct 'distance' from radius to find the X and Y positions there and then add the numbers on those positions with no luck.
Below is the code that calculates the X and Y positions and adds the numbers displayed in the dial screenshot.
for (i in 1..10) {
canvas?.drawText(i.toString(),cx.toFloat() +
(Math.cos(Math.toRadians(degrees.getInt(feetNumber,0).toDouble())).toFloat()) *
radius - (paint.measureText(i.toString()) / 2),
cy.toFloat() +
(Math.sin(Math.toRadians(degrees.getInt(feetNumber,0).toDouble())).toFloat()) *
radius + (paint.measureText(i.toString()) / 2), paint)
I have added the degrees in a array resource file.
I would be very grateful if any one can help me to understand how to draw the numbers a short space after the thick tick marks where you usually find the numbers in a dial.
I have found a solution to my problem. The problem was that i cant calulate the radius in the canvas?.drawText()
so i needed to privide pre-calculated value.
val radius = diameter / 2
val mark = radius * 0.30f
val shorterRadius = radius - mark
and then use the shorterRadius
inside canvas?.drawText()
along with the rest of the calculations.
Then my dial look like the attached picture.