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Micronaut controller error Page Not Found

I created a new micronaut app using mn create-app example.micronaut.complete

After that I opened the project using intellij and added a new class as TestController to the project with code below:

package example.micronaut;
import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;

public class TestController {


    @Get(value = "/", produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
    String getTest(){
        return "some string";

But I am getting

{"_links":{"self":{"href":"/","templated":false}},"message":"Page Not Found"}

whenever I try to access the /hello end point

My application.yml looks like this:

        name: complete
        port: 8080


  • Without seeing more of your project it is hard to say what is wrong. I have pasted your code directly into a project and it works as expected. See the project at The controller at works fine...

    package example.micronaut;
    import io.micronaut.http.MediaType;
    import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Controller;
    import io.micronaut.http.annotation.Get;
    public class TestController {
        // this empty constructor is not
        // needed, but isn't a problem...
        TestController() {
        @Get(value = "/", produces = MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN)
        String getTest() {
            return "some string";

    The endpoint responds:

    $ curl http://localhost:8080/hello
    some string

    One thing to look for is you may be missing the micronaut-inject-java and/or micronaut-inject dependency as expressed at

    Another is if you are running the app from the IDE (like IntelliJ IDEA), make sure you have annotation processors enabled in the build.