Im trying to translate some stuff in my React application. This works fine with i18next and react-i18next. Im using the withNamespaces HOC to render the translations and scan them with PoEdit. So far so good.
There are however two issues that i am facing. I also have a library that holds all my UI components. More like all the styling which extends from semantic-ui itself. Over there also some translations are applicable and i wanted to use the same react-i18next
there as well. While testing in storybook all looks good however when i run npm link
and link the package to my main application i suddenly get this error:
caught TypeError: (0 , _reactI18next.withNamespaces) is not a function
The second question i do have is that how can i extend the translations? For example i am having this library which translates field A to be "How are you doing?". However when running a project for a customer i notice that the customer wants another translation for something that is part of the lib. Is there a way then still to overwrite it? Since the fact the translations are bundled of course and loaded internally in the component.
Below is some code how it looks:
import i18n from 'i18next';
import { reactI18nextModule } from 'react-i18next';
import XHR from 'i18next-xhr-backend';
import LanguageDetector from 'i18next-browser-languagedetector';
load: 'languageOnly',
backend: {
loadPath: '../dist/locales/{{lng}}/{{ns}}.json'
fallbackLng: {
'en-US': ['en']
ns: ['uielements'],
defaultNS: 'uielements',
fallbackNS: 'uielements',
debug: false,
keySeparator: '##',
interpolation: {
escapeValue: false // not needed for react!!
react: {
wait: true,
bindI18n: 'languageChanged loaded',
bindStore: 'added removed',
nsMode: 'default'
export default i18n;
And the components itself:
export default withNamespaces()(Dialog);
I had the same issue. It turned out that withNamespaces HOC component was introduced in react-i18next version 8.0.0. Ensure that you have the latest version:
npm i i18next@latest react-i18next@latest
I just checked i18next v12.0.0 and react-i18next v8.3.8. Everything works fine.