My situation: I have a drop down and a table below the drop down. For understanding assume drop down is city and table below shows list of cities with details. When user selects a city in the drop down the row for that city must be made the first row in the table. I know how to change the underlying data structure/array to find and insert replace the first item in array. Having done that how the heck do I get the table to refresh so it now shows that row on top ? Using the basic sample how do I get say row 5 Boron to show on row one when some button clicked on this stackblitz.
You can use destructuring to swap array items as below:
dataSource = new MatTableDataSource();
ngOnInit(){ = ELEMENT_DATA;
let data =;
[data[0],data[4]] = [data[4],data[0]]; = data;
Working demo here: