I have a project which contains several files which have the same name but in differents folders.
Ex :
- a.c
- b.c
- a.c
- z.c
In my gprfile I included the source with
for Source_Dirs use ( "sources/**" )
Now, I want to ignore the files in src by using the primitive "Excluded_Source_File".
Unfortunatly, this primitive needs a file name, and not a full path, so when I want to ignore a.c, it ignore the both files in src and stub.
for Excluded_Source_Files use ( "sources/src/a.c" ); -- KO by gprbuild
for Excluded_Source_Files use ( "a.c" ); -- OK but ignore both
Does anyone know how can I do this, without alterate the current folder architecture and without rename files ?
Sounds like what you want is a project extension, ie. create a second project file, which extends the first. In this seconds project file, you can override a.c
project Stubbed extends "my_project.gpr" is
for Source_Dirs use ("stub");
end Stubbed;
You can read more about project extentions in the GPRBuild User Guide