Anyone know how increase the VersionPrefix
on the .csproj file with each commit?
That property is used to name the package when you push the package on a feed (Nuget push operation)...
2018-11-14T16:15:59.3937162Z ##[error]Error: An unexpected error occurred while trying to push the package with VstsNuGetPush.exe. Exit code(2) and error(The feed already contains 'Lib 1.0.15-alpha'.)
Finally I found a solution. There is a extension on Visual Studio Marketplace, Version number counter that increase a variable defined in Variables Section of the pipeline. Just, define the variable, add a new step (task) on the pipeline of Version number counter and set the variable to increase.
Finally, you can use $(VariableName) on your code to reference to the Azure DevOps variable. In my case, $(BuildVersionNumber) was enough.
I hope this help to other people.
Thanks to Jayendran and Shayki Abramczyk for your answers :)