I'm using this bit of Typoscript to generate some text.
is created via TemplavoilàPlus.
# If field_test is filled in by the redactor,
# its content will be displayed in the frontend.
10 = TEXT
10.if.isTrue.field = field_test
10.value.field = field_test
I'm using several FCE from TV+ and I have many more fields handled via Typoscript. For some FCE, I didn't set field_test
in TV+ and thus, it is not displayed in the frontend at all since the redactor can't fill it in in the backend. This is the normal behaviour.
However, for one the FCE, field_test
is displayed anyway. This field is not set in TV+ and I can't find it in the XML. It is not displayed in the backend and then can't be filled in.
But it has existed at some point, and has been filled before it was removed from the TV+ FCE.
Now I have its ghost displayed in the frontend. How can I find it and delete it for good?
I've found a workaround for my problem.
I simply recreated field_test
in TV+, went to the backend to empty the content of that field (which was filled even though the field had been deleted).
Conclusion: When you delete a field in TV+, the content of that field still exist somewhere…