I am new to sql and try to figure out a "lookup" column to a pivot table. I have managed to make a pivot with first column as the Primary key. Then I want to add a column from a different query, that is from joined tables.
I have both the pivot table and the second query working but cannot append them together. Could you help me with that
code for pivot >
Select Variant
Select WH
,stock pieces
FROM StockData
Where Date = cast(Getdate()-3 AS Date)
) Stock
Pivot( SUM(AtdPieces) FOR Warehouse IN ([6492],[7318],[7348],[7347]) ) as Pvt
Order by Poznan desc;
code for second table
Select Variant
,SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales
,SUM(Discount) AS TotalDisc
From SalesDatabase as SDB
Join DiscountDatabase as DDB
On SDB.Variant=DDB. Variant)
So I want to add "total Sales" and "Total Disc" columns next to my pivot table. So for each variant I can see the Stock in WH1, stock in WH2, sotkc in WH3, Total Sale and total discount.
Thanks a lot for your helps!
You can try below using common table expression and join
with cte as
Select Variant
Select WH
,stock pieces
FROM StockData
Where Date = cast(Getdate()-3 AS Date)
) Stock
Pivot( SUM(AtdPieces) FOR Warehouse IN ([6492],[7318],[7348],[7347]) ) as Pvt
Order by Poznan desc;
select cte.variant,WH1, WH2, WH3, SUM(Sales) AS TotalSales
,SUM(Discount) AS TotalDisc from cte join
SalesDatabase as SDB on cte.variant=SDB.variant
Join DiscountDatabase as DDB On SDB.Variant=DDB.Variant
group by cte.variant,WH1, WH2, WH3