This is my eureka daterow code. Where row value is set only after making any changes in the datepickerview. I need to load the date to row on cell selection on the daterow. Thanks in advance.
form +++ DateRow(name) {
$0.title = label
}.onChange({ (row) in
if let value = row.value {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd"
let date = dateFormatter.string(from: value)
let item = CustomField(coulmnId: fieldId, columnValue: date)
self.addToCustom(set: item)
You just need to set the row
so that picker
can use that at startup,
form +++ DateRow("name") {
$0.title = "label"
}.onCellSelection({ (cell, row) in
if row.value == nil {
row.value = Date()// Set default value.
}).onChange({ (row) in